Look! It's a website all about me

Hello and welcome.

This website began as a "100 days of Gatsby" project. I was using it as a way to keep track of films and books I had been enjoying, however as with most side projects, eventually you run out of steam.

These reviews are not interesting or particularly well written. They are instead reminders to myself of what I thought at the time. The sad truth is my memory is akin to a fruit fly's and so unless I write down what I thought of something, I might not recall it at all.

Now this page exists as a bit of a vanity project, although it only showcases pretty rudimentary javascript and css. I won't be offended that you've already noticed I'm definitely not a designer. I did my best with the colours OK, and I'd appreciate it if we could just leave it at that.

Check out the code for this page here.

Thanks for stopping by!

About me

What I'm doing now.

In 10 seconds

I write software (primarily in Python) and enjoy music, films, books and other generic things.

In 10 minutes

If you want to learn about my career check out my Linkedin. I'm particularly interested in conributing to social enterprises and good causes, don't hesitate to get in touch!

If you wanted to take a closer look at what I'm into, check out my Spotify or my IMDB watchlist (although the latter is less well maintained than it used to be).


Chances are you've reached this page because I've applied for a job. In which case I would be remiss not to provide some great feedback I've received previously:

Throughout my time working with Phil I’ve been impressed by his consistent readiness to help solve a problem - be it a technical one or complex user journey - with a friendly and proactive attitude.

- Megan, Designer

Phil is consistent, ever present, and ever willing to jump on problems and help solve them.

- James, EM

Phil is very engaged and always contributes to workshops and problem scoping, helping shape discussions. He's great at handling complexity.

- Georgiana, Product Manager


Total: 35